Archivos de diario de diciembre 2018

03 de diciembre de 2018

Loveland Reservoir: backcountry in San Diego's backyard.

I will leave you with my personal entry in my hiking journal and then it’s up to you to decide if you're going to give Loveland a chance: “Loveland, Alpine, one of the nicest hikes ever, perfect in every way. Lots of very old oak trees and small, magic meadows, enchanting views over the lake and the surrounding areas, with Corte Madera in plain sight if you keep straight when you get to the lake. Yes, fishing, yes, birds, yes, rocks and yes, challenging trails. I even found metate. I loved the light filtered through the cattails and the colors of the grass and the clouds, but mostly the eerie peace. I will come back.”

Publicado el diciembre 3, 2018 09:07 MAÑANA por biohexx1 biohexx1 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
