Archivos de diario de octubre 2017

01 de octubre de 2017

NYBG EcoQuest September 2017 – Wrap Up


Stats for September 1–30, 2017

One hundred and ten naturalists made 1,123 Pokeweed observations in New York City!
To see the power of citizen science and the passion of New York City naturalists, take a look at the map of Pokeweed distribution before* and after the EcoQuest.
*from preserved specimens.

Observations: 1123
Species: 5
Places: Bronx, 595; Manhattan, 428; Queens, 44; Staten Island, 33; Brooklyn, 13.
Observers: @elizajsyh, 258; @plnthunter22, 199; @danielatha, 133; @bioethics, 100; @laura622, 55; @margela, 51; @jholmes, 45; @cbarron, 25; @dottiew, 20; @dskacc, 19.

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Publicado el octubre 1, 2017 03:14 TARDE por danielatha danielatha | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

09 de octubre de 2017

NYBG EcoQuest October 2017 - Week One


October 1–7
Twelve observers have made sixty-six Ash tree, three lichen, two insect and one mushroom observation so far. After the recent rains we hope to see more fungal observations. Lichens are welcome also. Be especially alert for the Ash Bolete mushroom (Boletinellus merulioides), which is part of a fascinating triad of symbionts. The Ash-tree Aphid (Meliarhizophagus fraxinifolii) feeds on roots of the Ash tree and shelters inside the mycelium (sclerotia) of the fungus that receives nutrients not from the tree, but from the Aphid.

Observations: 74
Places: Bronx, 45; Manhattan, 13; Staten Island, 11; Brooklyn, 4; Queens, 2.
Observers: @elizajsyh, 15; @donrecklies, 14; @plnthunter22, 12; @brookebe, 9; @danielatha, 9.

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Publicado el octubre 9, 2017 08:04 TARDE por danielatha danielatha | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de octubre de 2017

NYBG EcoQuest October 2017 - Week Two


October 1–14
Twenty-one observers have made one hundred fifty-five Fraxinus and Fungi observations so far this month. Is observing fungi and Fraxinus fun or frustrating? It's a bit more challenging than previous EcoQuests, but remember that lichens are fungi too, and lichens like the deeply furrowed bark of Ash.

Observations: 155
Places: Bronx, 107; Manhattan, 23; Staten Island, 17; Brooklyn, 4; Queens, 3.
Observers: @donrecklies, 25; @plnthunter22, 24; @elizajsyh, 19; @micelych, 15; @mombo711, 15.

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Publicado el octubre 14, 2017 01:35 TARDE por danielatha danielatha | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

22 de octubre de 2017

NYBG EcoQuest October 2017 - Week Three


October 1–21
Twenty-seven observers have made two hundred and thirty-six Fraxinus and Fungi observations so far this month.

The dry weather may not be great for Fungi, but watchful naturalists have observed 16 species associated with Ash including a Redwing Blackbird feeding on Ash samaras and Carpenter Ants nesting in a dead Ash tree.

Observations: 236
Places: Bronx, 145; Manhattan, 54; Staten Island, 30; Brooklyn, 4; Queens, 3.
Observers: @plnthunter22, 46, @donrecklies, 34; @elizajsyh, 29; @mombo711, 17; @micelych, 16.

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Publicado el octubre 22, 2017 01:35 TARDE por danielatha danielatha | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

31 de octubre de 2017

NYBG EcoQuest October 2017 - Wrap Up


October 1–31
The Fungi may have been scarce this month, but keen-eyed naturalists made very important natural history contributions, observing Redwing Blackbirds, Cardinals and Squirrels feeding on Ash samaras. This is verifiable, scientific evidence documenting some of the many important ecological roles of Ash and what we are all trying to protect.

Check out the November EcoQuest, Investigate Invasives!

Observations: 265, Species: 18
Observers: @plnthunter22, 53; @elizajsyh, 36; @donrecklies, 31; @mombo711, 17; @micelych, 16.
Places: Bronx, 158; Manhattan, 65; Staten Island, 30; Queens, 7; Brooklyn, 5.

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Publicado el octubre 31, 2017 09:08 TARDE por danielatha danielatha | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario