05 de mayo de 2019

Spring 2019 is off to a wet, but great start!

Students in Spring Flora, to get warmed up with using iNaturalist, I propose that you practice uploading specimens we observed on our southern WI fieldtrip. After we return to the Northwoods, that will be a good time to start your field projects.

Please review the project guidelines for tips on good photos and best practice for notes to include in
the description for each specimen. I need to be able to see key traits in your photos to confirm or help with IDs. As an ecologist, I will also be looking for basic habitat information. For example: general forest type (e.g., floodplain forest, northern mesic forest, wet conifer swamp, pine barrens), soil characteristics if you know (e.g., sandy, glacial till, clay, organic, alluvial), associates (who were the common neighbors, if you know), and any other notable features.

Use all of the tips you are learning this month to help you narrow down IDs. If it is a species you learn in this class, I expect you to know it. There will be unknown taxa at your sites, and that's okay. Part of the learning process is documenting key traits that can be helpful in identification. You can record these in the 'description' section using technical terms that you've learned.

Check back often to engage with your classmates, me, and any members of the broader iNaturalist community who may communicate with you about your specimens. Be respectful of this knowledgeable and data-driven community. We seek your best work.

Enjoy botanizing this Spring (and onward)! I know I will. -Sarah

Publicado el mayo 5, 2019 03:00 TARDE por sejohnson sejohnson | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

29 de abril de 2018

Spring 2018 is here!

It has been quite the long winter this year and piles of snow still scatter the understory in many places around Bayfield and Ashland County. With the spring warm-up continuing this week and a bit of rain mixed in, the woods should start greening up within the next two weeks. People in southern WI are already posting observations of spring ephemerals, but if you look at the map of observations for WI you will see a void in northern WI for 2018. How soon can we start to fill in the map with observations of the first spring bloomers? Let's aim to start logging observations this week!

I look forward to a great May semester!

Publicado el abril 29, 2018 08:57 TARDE por sejohnson sejohnson | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
