Diario del proyecto NRT of Easton's Sheep Pasture

Archivos de diario de marzo 2023

02 de marzo de 2023

March-ing Forward into Spring!

After a rather lackluster winter, spring is creeping into our lives here at Sheep Pasture - the red-winged blackbirds are calling by the stream, shrubs are starting to bud, and the rain is filling up our vernal pond. Soon, we'll start seeing wood frogs hopping through the pine needles and hearing spring peepers singing in the night, as the bluebirds and tree swallows return to us, looking for insects to eat.

Spring is a great time to see the incredible diversity of life at Sheep Pasture. The fields will be sprinkled with wildflowers and tall grass, a perfect hiding place for insects and small mammals. Hawks and owls will keep a sharp eye from the treeline, waiting to swoop down for a meal of rabbit or mouse. At the pond, painted turtles and garter snakes will search out the best spots of sunshine to bask, as frogs and salamanders lay their eggs under the water's surface.

Over February Vacation, we hosted a group of students who helped us with tracking down and looking for signs of some of the animals that live at Sheep Pasture. They saw many different types of birds, including chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, downy woodpeckers, cardinals, and blue jays - who were handsomely rewarded for visiting us with suet and birdseed! We found scat and tracks from white-tailed deer and coyotes, and even captured some prints from a white-footed mouse! Rolling over logs and lifting up rocks also provided us with plenty of pillbugs and two leopard slugs. Our amateur Animal Trackers reminded us that there's always a lot to discover, if you're willing to look!

We're excited to get out and explore all the changes that come with the spring!

Publicado el marzo 2, 2023 02:20 TARDE por tristanhayes tristanhayes | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
