Archivos de diario de octubre 2016

02 de octubre de 2016

Welcome to Tracking Terrapins in Cambridgeshire

Hello everybody! We've decided to set up this project so that members of the public can quickly and easily record any sightings of terrapins or sliders they may come across within Cambridgeshire. Terrapins are a non-native species but can be found in the wild due to either being released or escaping captivity - they were once a very popular pet.

We would like to map the distribution of the terrapins within our county so that we can try to assess whether or not they are having a negative impact on native species. The current distribution of terrapins is largely unknown except for a handful of isolated sightings. We believe that they are far more numerous and would like the help of Cambridgeshire's residents to aid us in this citizen science project.

If you do spot a terrapin please take a photo and submit it here with as much information as possible including the location, the time you saw the terrapin, the number seen and any other information you think is useful. You are likely to come across them near bodies of water (due to their semi-aquatic lifestyle) and may see them basking or swimming.

When submitting a sighting, we also urge you to submit a record to the Record Pool which can be done by following this link:

Thank you all in advance!

Publicado el octubre 2, 2016 09:39 MAÑANA por cparg cparg | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
