Taxonomic Swap 116231 (Guardado el 31/10/2022)

Añadido por birdwhisperer el octubre 31, 2022 05:39 MAÑANA | Comprometido por birdwhisperer el 31 de octubre de 2022
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@brennafarrell Thoughts on this?

I'm starting some Clements v2022 updates and one of them is the lumping of the Torotoroka Scops-Owl (O. madagascariensis) with Madagascar Scops-Owl (O. rutilus), both of which you're the top identifier for. Anyway, I can easily implement the new taxonomy into iNat by swapping O. madagascariensis with O. rutilus madagascariensis and then adding O. r. rutilus but that would mean one subspecies would have 86 observations and the other 0. But I'm assuming all O. rutilus sensu stricto observations are identified as that subspecies instead of the complex as a whole, so I was thought we could re-add O. rutilus and transferring the old O. rutilus to O. rutilus rutilus.

Publicado por birdwhisperer hace más de 1 año

Thanks for tagging me before making the swap! In April I went through and corrected some observations, based on: and some private conversations, and I was worried that it would be a wasted effort. I think all IDs of O. rutilus should be swapped to O. rutilus rutilus and all IDs of O. madagascariensis to O. rutilus madagascariensis as I think this is how most people intended their IDs (and it would save me the effort of having to reID some observations).

Publicado por brennafarrell hace más de 1 año

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