Taxonomic Merge 122273 (Guardado el 11/02/2023)

"Neither of the [Cliffortia graminea] varieties described by Weimarck are recognised here. The size and shape of the leaves can vary immensely depending upon the amount of groundwater present and C. graminea var. elegans could represent just a form of the species from a drier habitat. However, the Kogelberg, the type area, is known for producing unusual localised species and so if more material is found that matches the type, the status of C. graminea var. elegans may need reassessment."

"The identity of C. graminea var. convoluta is more uncertain. Weimarck (1946) suggests that it is a hybrid with C. aculeata, but this seems highly unlikely as that species is restricted to the Swartberg ... a longway .... Furthermore, no other putative hybrids have been suggested with C. graminea, an unusual occurrence for Cliffortia. If it is a hybrid the most likely candidate would be C. strobilifera, as that species is widespread in the area where C. graminea grows. However, as the locality cannot be determined for certain, this variety appears to be best sunk into C. graminea unless more material that matches the type specimen can be found."

Whitehouse, C.M. (2021) A monograph on the genus Cliffortia. 'Strelitzia 43'. South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI). ISBN: 978-1-928224-44-0. URI: Available at:


Añadido por jeremygilmore el febrero 11, 2023 08:40 TARDE | Comprometido por jeremygilmore el 11 de febrero de 2023
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