Taxonomic Swap 76006 (Guardado el 23/05/2020)

Añadido por kitty12 el mayo 15, 2020 01:38 TARDE | Comprometido por kitty12 el 23 de mayo de 2020
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FWIW, the paper underlying this change is Sheffield et al. (2020) and is available at There is a rather wonderful history of confusion surrounding B. sonorina which Frederick originally described as occurring on the Sunda Islands in southeast Asia, but Lieftinck later determined that was a misreading of a specimen label that actually read "Sandw. Isl." aka Hawaii, leading to many decades of confusion.

BugGuide claims the name "sonorina" "refers to the sonorous sound of the bee" but I haven't found any explicit statement about the choice of name in these primary sources.

Publicado por kueda hace alrededor de 4 años

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