Sea Walnut? Hard to get a great picture! Surprisingly fast moving in the currents
Not sure even what Phylum. A tunicate? It appeared to be attached to a mussel here. Undulating tentacles. Are there sessile Jellies like this?
Saw many of these swimming around on the surface of the water in a marina; they’d come and sort of browse along the shellfish adhered to the pontoons, and occasionally they’d spew white secretions from their anuses. Quite disgusting to behold.
This observation is part of a long-term project examining plankton biodiversity in the nearshore waters around the Hakai Institute's Quadra Island ecological observatory. A COI DNA sequence from the organism has been deposited in the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD). Photo license and credit belong to the Hakai Institute.
No idea. Second picture shows it next to springtails (Anurida maritima) for scale