Sloane Canyon



I'm still planning on Bioblitzing Sloane Canyon this Saturday.
I'll be there at 9am. The entrance to the canyon is just on the east side of the lake which is on Sycuan Golf course property and just to the west of Dehesa School (address):

4612 Dehesa Rd, El Cajon, CA 92019

Driving eastbound, if you reach Dehesa School, you've gone about 50 yards too far.

Once you get on Sloane Canyon Road, you can follow it a few miles all the way to the end where a gate prohibits any further travel. I'll be parked there (small red Ford Focus with a bike rack on the back).

There are no restroom facilities in or near the canyon. Also, no nearby restaurants or convenience stores so bring a lunch and plenty of fluids.

There is a 40% chance of rain on Saturday according to NOAA, so depending on when the rain hits (morning or afternoon) we may postpone this event. I'll let you know at Friday mid-day after another look at NOAA.


Publicado el marzo 8, 2018 09:35 MAÑANA por biohexx1 biohexx1


I will be helping co-lead the SDSU Terrestrial Arthropods field trip this Saturday and won't be able to make it. Good luck! Thanks for the invite!

Publicado por pileated hace más de 6 años

Alright, sounds good! If it's on, I'll be there. I assume the road is decent if you can take a Focus on it? I have a small Mazda with pretty awful clearance, so I'm wondering.

Publicado por ryanandrews hace más de 6 años

Yeah, my Focus is pretty low. It is a dirt road but I get by just fine. The forecast is 30% chance of rain in the morning, 40% chance in the afternoon. I'll be there at 9am!

Here is the project page:

I'd give my phone number, but I don't get reception in the latter half of the valley.


Publicado por biohexx1 hace más de 6 años

@amplex4love and I will get there a little later, probably around 11 or 12 (we're nocturnal).

I've been looking forward to this all week! Hope to see you out there!

Publicado por rachelshoop hace más de 6 años

@rachelshoop , the critters will be waking up around then so you'll get there just in time.

Publicado por biohexx1 hace más de 6 años

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