Late fall Timberlake Bioblitz: October 21st, 2023

Link to observations from this weekend!

Identification modal link here:

Species documented on iNat for the first time:

Feel free to join us for a late October Bioblitz at Timberlake Field Station--October 21st. Newbies welcome! Attendees may begin arriving at noon Friday or anytime thereafter. We'll depart after lunch Sunday.

Tarleton State University’s Timberlake Field Station is an educational and research facility located on the Colorado River in the heart of Texas--midway between Austin and Abilene. The 790 acre property has over 2 miles of Colorado river frontage and includes bottomland and upland habitats.

I think everyone will already know, but it's been dry. There won't be much plant or aquatic life (unless the ponds catch water).

Upon arrival and before exploring, sign a release form at the pavilion. There will be printed maps for you to take also.

The original cabin (with AC and restrooms) is available and has 3 rooms with one bed and one room with 4 bunk beds. In addition there are two new bunkhouses (with AC and toilet) that sleep 12 each (6 bunk beds). There's lots of room to pitch a tent, or car camp, near the restroom and shower facility. No need to make reservation for cabin or bunkhouses--plenty of beds now.

Here's the link to detailed info about Timberlake (including directions):

Tarleton State University’s Timberlake Field Station is an educational and research facility located on the Colorado River in the heart of Texas--midway between Austin and Abilene. The 790 acre property has over 2 miles of Colorado river frontage and includes bottomland and upland habitats.

Timberlake iNaturalist Project:

Observations listed from least observed to most observed:

Tag folks you think would be interested. This list is incomplete and not intended to be exclusive--apologies if any regulars have accidentally been omitted. First-timers are welcome!

@amzapp, @annikaml, @bacchusrock, @baxter-slye, @bosqueaaron, @brandonmeadows, @brencero, @brentano, @butterflies4fun, @cameralenswrangler, @centratex, @chasingchickens, @currenfrasch, @connlindajo, @daltonlawing, @devinpedraza, @eaneubauer, @elytrid, @franpfer, @gcwarbler, @gwaithir, @immortalwhat, @inhat83, @isaaceastland, @jcochran706, @jeff_back, @jeffmci9, @jgw_atx, @k8thegr8, @katherinedaniels, @knightericm, @kimberlietx, @laurahaynes, @lorimalloy, @lovebirder, @lulubelle, @mammelton50, @megachile, @mpintar, @mikef451, @oddfitz, @observerjosh, @pynklynx, @prairie_rambler, @rkostecke, @rymcdaniel, @sagaciousoctopus, @sambiology, @steven_bach, @swissagnes, @tadamcochran, @wildcarrot

Publicado el septiembre 14, 2023 05:35 TARDE por pfau_tarleton pfau_tarleton


Rain or shine, can I reserve my usual spot again?

Publicado por connlindajo hace 12 meses

Looks like Linda Jo has called dibs on the Green Cabin suite with private bathroom--you're always so quick to the draw Linda Jo!

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace 12 meses

Oh no! Now every one knows my secret! Looking forward to investigating some spots I discovered last trip.

Publicado por connlindajo hace 12 meses

@jellyfishmambo might be interested

Publicado por bosqueaaron hace 12 meses

It's on my calendar! I was just thinking that it was about time for me to get back to Timberlake. I'd missed the Spring event.

Publicado por gcwarbler hace 12 meses
Publicado por lovebirder hace 12 meses
Publicado por annikaml hace 12 meses

Yes please! I'll van camp. =)

Publicado por k8thegr8 hace 12 meses

I plan on attending and car camping. Always exciting! New creations to help me observe the insects since I usually fall asleep before midnight. I am hopeful Jack Cochran can make this event with whom I've loaned my MV light.
@ldennis @jkend32 @sbeep @lkendall

Publicado por mikef451 hace 12 meses

I'm co-hosting another bioblitz that Saturday, dangit!

Publicado por kimberlietx hace 12 meses

Making note of this as a possibility.

Publicado por bacchusrock hace 12 meses

I am interested and will hope to be there for this

Publicado por jellyfishmambo hace 12 meses

I'll know what we have going on in a few weeks. Not sure yet.

Publicado por williampaulwhite17 hace 12 meses

Yes, please!

Publicado por amzapp hace 12 meses

@mikef451 Thanks for the tag. I will be there as a newby. I will car camp.

Publicado por ldennis hace 12 meses

I probably won't be able to make this one. Hope y'all have a blast!

Publicado por bosqueaaron hace 12 meses

I’ll try to make it, but will’ve just returned from the MN conference in McAllen the previous weekend. Either way, thanks for the invite!

Publicado por inhat83 hace 12 meses

Family stuff that weekend, can't make it. Hope y'all find lots of cool critters though

Publicado por williampaulwhite17 hace 12 meses

At the moment, it looks like I will be unable to make this one due to a prior commitment.

Publicado por rymcdaniel hace 11 meses

I will not be able to make this one after all. My grandson is performing that Saturday at a one act play. I can't miss that. Wish I could do both.

Publicado por connlindajo hace 11 meses

Looking ahead to this weekend, the weather looks promising. Warming up to 89 with lows of 64. This is a lot warmer compared to past two weeks, and may be the last really warm weekend of the season. If are any insects survived the hot, dry summer, they should be active.

I'm planning to serve pork and chicken street tacos with chips and salsa Saturday evening, so please let me know if you're coming so I can get a head count.

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace 11 meses

Will be there. Thanks Russell!

Publicado por mikef451 hace 11 meses

I will not be able to make it this time.

Publicado por bacchusrock hace 11 meses

I will be there, looking forward to seeing everyone and to the tacos. I'll bring some dessert.

Publicado por annikaml hace 11 meses

Also, in addition to the head count....

I found out this morning that Timberlake has been double-booked. There's a group of 20 aquatic ecology students from Baylor that will be using the new bunk houses. This isn't a huge problem because we will have the Green cabin which has three rooms with one bed each and another room with two bunk beds--plus two bathrooms. And several of us are tent/car camping anyways. They'll probably out-compete us for the pavilion when they're not out on the river, so the Green cabin will be our headquarters instead of the pavilion.

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace 11 meses

Sounds like y'all are going to make 20 new mothing converts...

Publicado por bosqueaaron hace 11 meses

I'll be there and will bring a side.

Publicado por amzapp hace 11 meses

Oh no! I was in the Valley all weekend and did not have a single taco at the TMN conference. Will really miss those this weekend! Enjoy the gasthering.

Publicado por connlindajo hace 11 meses

I didn't have a taco either Linda Jo. Too much else happening! Timberlake tacos will solve things. Baylor need to understand this and if there is a battle for the pavilion so be it! Just kidding:)

Publicado por mikef451 hace 11 meses

I will be there with a friend on Saturday morning through sometime in the afternoon. Not planning on staying too late. Looking forward to it!

Publicado por lovebirder hace 11 meses

The Baylor student are in my aquatic biology class!

Publicado por jeff_back hace 11 meses

Hope I still have a bed at the cabin? Linda Jo, I did have two tacos in Rio Hondo during the eclipse. Ditching the ranch was a good idea for me, it allowed me to go to Sal Del Rey and observe a Panther Ant for the first time and what appears to be a first-in-county Robber Fly the next day. Those will probably be my iNatting highlights of the trip although other people saw two wolf spiders species that would have made me happier.

Publicado por eaneubauer hace 11 meses

I will be there. Thanks!

Publicado por ldennis hace 11 meses

@jeff_back...I was wondering if this was your group. Hopefully there will be some water with life in it.
@eaneubauer...we'll reserve a bed in the cabin for you.

If anyone else needs a bed to be reserved, post that request here.

I was thinking about setting up "moth" lights down on the gravel shoal in the river bottom. If it's not too windy. If that interests you, @jeff_back, feel free to do that.

Be vigilant of copper heads. There's usually a big one in the vicinity of the pavilion/bath house. Always walk with a light at night.

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace 11 meses

I can't make this one, sadly! Thanks for the invite. @rgvbirdingallnature

Publicado por lorimalloy hace 11 meses

I'll car camp if I get better from this cold!

Publicado por k8thegr8 hace 11 meses

Sorry I can't make this one, but just reminder that there will probably be a fair amount of Gutierrezia texana blooming up there and it is important to get a photo of flowering heads from the side to distinguish it from Amphiachyris species. Have fun. :)

Publicado por rymcdaniel hace 11 meses

Doesn't look like Amphiachyris has been documented at Timberlake yet--but it should be there. Here's Ryan's guide to differentiate them:

And my side-by-side comparison here:

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace 11 meses

I'll bring lots of ice and water--just bring your own drinking vessels to refill.

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace 11 meses

Oh rats, I’m just now seeing this! I’ve been down with the flu and bronchitis, but I hope y’all find lots of awesome stuff!!! Please tag me on the next one!

Publicado por wildcarrot hace 11 meses

Thanks, Russell, for another great Timberlake bioblitz! I think we should claim the green cabin as the "iNaturalist" cabin.

Publicado por annikaml hace 11 meses

Link to observations from this weekend!

Identification modal link here:

Another great weekend with friends new and old. Despite the long, dry, hot summer, we still found a good bit of diversity to document.

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace 11 meses

Remarkably, we are racking up the "first-time observations" of species made at Timberlake this weekend. Be sure to let me know if you think you've made a first observation (I do this by looking at the map as I identify them). You can view them all here:

Publicado por pfau_tarleton hace 11 meses

Thanks for another great gathering Russell! Enjoyed the weekend and seeing folks again. I think I have finished my uploads. Looking forward to next time!

Publicado por mikef451 hace 11 meses

Wish I could have made it but I'd promised my kids I'd take them the trick or treat thing at Lake Tawakoni State Park.

Publicado por williampaulwhite17 hace 11 meses

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