First week of Odanata of Oe-Cusse

Dear all,

iNaturalist has been an amazing experience, I have learned a lot, and got to set myself little photographic assignment. After reading Malte Seehausen work on Odonata, I decided to take some pictures of the Odonata that I could find around my garden. Malte Seehausen has been to kind to answer to my emails and help me identifying a fairly odd Dragonfly I caught in Bolkenat

It turned out that I had in my garden alone 5 species of Dragonflies, which is quite amazing. It had never occured me to photograph Dragonflies as they are pretty common around where I live (Palaban, near Paddy rice fields). As we prepare for the second harvest of rice I will continue to collect and keep posting pictures.

Publicado el julio 5, 2018 01:49 TARDE por ruidasilvapinto ruidasilvapinto


If you ever have any trouble with identifying your dragonflies, make sure to tag @briangooding — he especially enjoys the dragonflies from around the world! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace alrededor de 6 años

@sambiology Thank you very much for the tip, I'll start tagging him in coming pictures

Publicado por ruidasilvapinto hace alrededor de 6 años

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