Kolam Xina during peak of dry season

Yesterday I tried a "new spot" which is known here as Kolam Xina, it proved to be a relatively poor site at this time of the year, interestingly there were more individuals patrolling a small patch of Spinifex grass close to a small creek mouth than around the brackish water wetland it self. I could see three distinct Dragonflies, was only able to photograph one properly (Diplacodes), one improperly (Crocothemis?) and one could not photograph at all, because I was told that I had a Crocothemis next to me, but a communication problem as it was a grasshopper. So is life, at this time of the year I'm better off trying for more shaded and protected valleys, and record species along waterlines.

The Shot-horned Grasshopper https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/14100846

Publicado el julio 6, 2018 10:10 TARDE por ruidasilvapinto ruidasilvapinto


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