Are we there yet?

Not, not there at all...There is so much more to capture and photograph in and around Oe-Cusse. Based on Seehausen (2017) and references therein, there have been records of some two doze species found around this area, all of which I hope to find during my stay in Oe-Cusse.

  1. Agriocnemis femina
  2. Austroallagma sagittiferum
  3. Pseudagrion pilidorsum deflexum
  4. Diplacodes haematodes
  5. Orthetrum caledonicum
  6. Orthetrum glaucum
  7. Orthetrum pruinosum
  8. Orthetrum Sabina
  9. Orthetrum testaceum
  10. Tramea stenoloba
  11. Trithemis festiva
  12. Indolestes lafaeci

It is amazing that Oe-Cusse alone hosts so many different Odonatans

Publicado el julio 10, 2018 10:42 MAÑANA por ruidasilvapinto ruidasilvapinto


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