Seeing red

Today I went out in the morning to spot Damsels and Dragonflies. The original site I hoped to go was a no go as I failed to finalize all the logistical arrangements to make it happen, I finished work yesterday sometime after 20:40. In the morning I went out with my little girl to Tono Noefefan (Tono river mouth) were I wanted to take better pictures of Scarlet skimmer I had seen a week ago patrolling a Spinifex grass patch. Much to my surprise I found a Dragonfly I had missed last time I was there. I'm still not sure what it is, but it kind of resembled a Wandering Glider, but it turned out to be a immature female of a Scarlet skimmer. My daughter got tired, and a friend joined me for Dragonfly spotting. We moved from the coastal areas more toward the city, walked in different gullies, but no luck, it is the peak of the dry season after all. We then moved into another coastal marsh, which has mainly Chalky Skimmers but no Scarlets. As we moved a friend dropped by and told us that he went to pick-up a couple of his pigs close to Aosnak river and the place was packed full of scarlets. We got on our motorbike and went to check the Aosnak river, which happen to be one of the rivers where I go regularly for work because we are building a bridge there. We arrived parked the motorbikes by a dirt road and went in. We saw a man fishing and several dragonflies flying around. We found Gliders and Skimmers , So not a bad day, no Scarlet skimmers but other pretty nice skimmers. Next week I'll focus on photographing Blue Odonatans.

Publicado el julio 14, 2018 10:13 MAÑANA por ruidasilvapinto ruidasilvapinto


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