On the lack of succulence in leguminous plants, with a side-note on Bignoniaceae

@tonyrebelo @ludwig_muller @jeremygilmore @botaneek @troos @brothernorbert @chantel @jeanphilippeb @jrebman @aaronliston @richardgill @jan-hendrik

Many thanks to Charles Stirton @charles_stirton for information useful in this Post.
Leguminous plants are extremely diverse worldwide, with nearly 23,000 spp. (https://www.kew.org/read-and-watch/legume-checklist), and various growth-forms from low herbaceous plants through lianas to tall trees.

The form and texture of foliage is also extremely diverse, ranging from simple leaves to bipinnately compound leaves on the one hand, and phyllodes (modified petioles = leaf-stalks) expanded into a leaf-like surface in place of true leaves, on the other.

However, leguminous plants are remarkably lacking in succulent species.

(I use the term 'succulent' in the xerophytic sense, rather than in the sense of soft, watery foliage of short-lived herbaceous plants such as cultivated lettuce.)

I think that one of the reasons why few naturalists have noticed the systematic aversion to succulence in leguminous plants is a poor grasp of the real nature of succulence.

It comes easily to naturalists raised in, for example, southern Africa to recognise a succulent syndrome. They experience so many examples, in so many different families (Asphodelaceae, Mesembryanthemaceae, Aizoaceae, Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Vitaceae, etc.).

However, such recognition might elude Australian naturalists, because virtually the only succulent plants in Australia are halophytes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halophyte). And American cactuses, although truly succulent, are unrepresentative of foliar succulence.

The following are among the few legumes fleshy enough even to approach qualifying as succulent.

At least three spp. of pea in the Fynbos Biome in South Africa, namely Aspalathus capitata (https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/139720-Aspalathus-capitata), Aspalathus subtingens (https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/580599-Aspalathus-subtingens), and Aspalathus pinguis (https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/580554-Aspalathus-pinguis), have small but somewhat fleshy leaves. These are congeneric with rooibos tea (Aspalathus linearis, https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/447656-Aspalathus-linearis), which has naturally dry leaves.
Psoralea repens (https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/138744-Psoralea-repens) and Psoralea vonberkelae (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psoralea_vanberkelae) have somewhat fleshy leaves (Charles Stirton, by email).

Various species in the genus Indigofera (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigofera) need further investigation.

However, one described as somewhat fleshy is Indigofera denudata (Charles Stirton, by email). This species (https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/587779-Indigofera-denudata) seems ecologically similar to certain species of Psoralea (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psoralea) and Aspalathus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspalathus) affected by marine aerosol near the littoral (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Littoral_zone) of the southwestern Cape of South Africa.

Other possibly similar spp. in the same region (Brian Schrire, by email) are Indigofera frutescens (https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/587800-Indigofera-frutescens), several in the Indigofera capillaris grouphttps://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/587761-Indigofera-capillaris, and Indigofera nigromontana (https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/587851-Indigofera-nigromontana).

The leaves of most species of Indigofera are distinctly pinnate, a form almost by definition mutually exclusive with leaf-succulence. For any Indigofera to become even marginally succulent is a stretch, involving reduction of the pinnate leaf to something simpler. Even then, I suspect that the fleshiness of the pinnae is facultative (i.e. if one grows I. denudata inland, it seems unlikely that it will be even slightly fleshy).

The recently described Oberholzeria etendekaensis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oberholzeria) from Namibia is another candidate (https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0122080 and https://www.science.org/content/article/five-amazing-plants-new-science and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4376691/ and http://novataxa.blogspot.com/2016/06/2015-oberholzeria.html and https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Natural-habitat-of-Oberholzeria-etendekaensis-Plants-of-O-etendekaensis-in-their_fig6_274259434).

This short-lived plant is described as 'succulent', and the leaves as fleshy.
So far, the pattern seems to be as follows.

Leguminous plants, despite their extreme diversity, lack any unambivalently succulent species worldwide. Most of the few perennial, fleshy-leafed plants in these families are coastal, receiving saline aerosol. Examples along the southern coast of the Western Cape (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Cape) are a few perennial spp. of Aspalathus, Psoralea, and Indigofera, most of which form small shrubs. All of these have leaves that are both relatively small and reduced from the pinnate form typical of leguminous plants to something more rudimentary (simple leaves or compound leaves with just a few pinnae remaining).

Where fleshiness occurs on the littoral, it seems to be facultative, rather than obligate.

It is possible that various littoral species of leguminous plants in regions other than South Africa (e.g. Chile) also have fleshy leaves.

However, I have yet to be be convinced that there is any species of leguminous plant, worldwide, that has attained true leaf- or stem-succulence of the perennial, non-halophytic kind for which the South African flora is renowned (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/11263509509436161?journalCode=tplb19 and https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/The-succulent-flora-of-South-Africa-and-Namibia%3A-Jaarsveld-Struck/791712983ccde1bed7d98f1bdb61cde2cd281dbe and https://books.google.com.au/books/about/Succulent_Flora_of_Southern_Africa.html?id=U15qcgAACAAJ&redir_esc=y and https://www.penguinrandomhouse.co.za/book/succulent-flora-southern-africa/9781770075870 and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Succulent_Karoo).
Leguminous plants tend to supplement nitrogen from sources other than directly-absorbed ammonium and nitrate in the soil. A reason why I find the lack of succulence in legumes to be significant is a metabolic/physiological one. I suspect that nitrogen-fixation might tend to be mutually exclusive with succulence in the photosynthetic organs. This is because nitrogen-fixation is energy-demanding, but succulence tends to be associated with slow photosynthesis.

The CAM strategy of photosynthesis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crassulacean_acid_metabolism) seems, for example, to be mutually exclusive with N-fixation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrogen_fixation). I hypothesise that there is something – more broadly - about all forms of photosynthesis in succulent tissues that militate against the physiology involved in N-fixation, and other N-augmentation mechanisms such as ectotrophic mycorrhizae (present in many caesalps and some mimosas such as Australian acacias).

It seems significant that N-fixing (and ectomycorrhizal) plants are not only averse to succulence, but embrace sclerophylly (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sclerophyll) - which is in a sense the opposite of succulence - extensively. Not only are many peas and mimosas extremely sclerophyllous, but their development of phyllodes is unrivalled by other plant families.

A species of Senna (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&taxon_id=52348&view=species) in South America is said to have somewhat succulent photosynthetic stems, but not leaves (Gwilym Lewis, by email).
Another leguminous plant with green stems, namely Daviesia euphorbioides (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daviesia_euphorbioides), has a misleading name. Daviesia (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&taxon_id=139296&view=species) is an extremely sclerophyllous genus (far more so than most of the so-called ‘sclerophylls’ of the Cape Flora, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cape_Floristic_Region), and D. euphorbioides is no exception. The stems are photosynthetic, but there is no succulent tissue (http://australiansucculents.com/articles-news/australian-native-cactus/daviesia).
Although the following observation does not refer to a leguminous plant, I append it here because the adaptation described may possibly occur in some legume.

Notes on 'hidden succulence' in Podranea (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&taxon_id=156576&view=species):
In my garden in Perth, Western Australia, I have an individual of Podranea (Bignoniaceae). What I have noticed is as follows.

The lax, 2.5 m-high shrub, which is certainly not succulent-looking in any way in its stems or foliage, turns out to have certain succulent tissues underground. The roots are long and cylindrical, and penetrate the soil as normal roots are expected to. However, they are covered in an extremely juicy layer, making them more than 1 cm thick. Whether these qualify as root-tubers or not, they certainly function to store water.

More surprisingly, I have found that the foliage is somewhat ‘wilt-resistant’, despite having no succulent or fleshy texture.

When I have pruned the plant, and then left the prunings lying around in the summer sun, they have not seemed to wilt for days or weeks. The prunings of e.g. Morus alba (https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/56090-Morus-alba) or Schinus terebinthifolia (https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/130872-Schinus-terebinthifolia), lying around under similar conditions, rapidly become desiccated to extreme brittleness (without losing their green colour). This is within days, in warm, dry weather. The leaves can then be easily crumbed by hand.

In the case of Podranea, by contrast, the prunings (leafy stems < 0.5 cm thick) retain a fresh appearance for at least a week, as if succulent or extremely sclerophyllous. (In fact they are neither succulent nor sclerophyllous, being normal in texture.)

This leads me to suspect that even the stems – although not thickened – have some sort of water-storage canals in them, which continue to supply water for evaporation long after pruning.
In summary, the roots of Podranea are succulent despite the leaves not being succulent, and the stems, although not succulent, contain hidden water sufficient to retard wilting of the foliage, once the stems are cut.
The few indigenous genera of Bignoniaceae in southern Africa include Tecomaria and Kigelia, neither of which is succulent in any way as far as I know. Bignoniaceae are diverse in Madagascar and the Americas, but even there (as far as I know) no member has succulent leaves.

So I have been surprised to discover that Podranea stores water underground, and functions as if it stores water above-ground too.

Publicado el julio 11, 2022 03:31 MAÑANA por milewski milewski


Publicado por ludwig_muller hace más de 2 años

There are some factual errors which are problematic, and some missing lesser known species.

Firstly, the Leguminosae or Fabaceae (depending on what you call it) is a single monophyletic family, consisting now of 6 subfamilies according to LPWG 2017. The Mimosoids are imbedded within the Caesalpinoids and thus a new classification was proposed.

There are other Indigofera that could be considered as succulent, but you first need to quantify what is succulence.

Publicado por mr_fab hace más de 2 años

@mr_fab Many thanks for your helpful comment.

Publicado por milewski hace más de 2 años

"A species of Senna in South America is said to have somewhat succulent photosynthetic stems, but not leaves".
Maybe referring to:

Publicado por jeanphilippeb hace más de 2 años

@jeanphilippeb Many thanks for your most helpful comment.

Publicado por milewski hace más de 2 años

Continuing from above, there is this other similar Senna in South America:

In California and Nevada, this Senna has only very tiny leaflets:

Publicado por jeanphilippeb hace alrededor de 2 años

@jeanphilippeb Your ongoing contributions are most informative, thank you.

Publicado por milewski hace alrededor de 2 años

The following is the email I sent, immediately after reading of the discovery of Oberholzeria etendekaensis: 

From: Antoni
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2016 11:17 AM
To: wessel@kaokosafari.com
Subject: congratulations on describing the first succulent-leafed leguminous plant on Earth
Dear Wessel Swanepoel,
It was with great interest that I read your recent (2015) article describing Oberholzeria etendekaensis.
I have been aware for several decades that the leguminous families, although extremely diverse ecologically and in growth-form, lack succulence in their foliage. I have been on the lookout for exceptions, but until your discovery I found nothing more than a few species in Psoralea, Aspalathus and Indigofera in littoral situations in the Western Cape, where the leaves are fleshy owing to saline aerosol (a common syndrome affecting many families of plants that grow in the littoral zone, and presumably representing a facultative rather than obligate fleshiness in the leguminous species).
So, as far as I can see, your Oberholzeria is unique globally: an obligately succulent member of the Fabaceae sensu lato.
I’ve been thinking about why leguminous plants seem so resolutely lacking in succulence of the xerophytic type. Here are a few hypotheses.
Leguminous plants, in general, specialise in augmenting nitrogen. Some, such as most Papilionoideae, do this with rhizobial nodules on their roots, but others do it with ectomycorrhizae (the typical syndrome in miombo trees). Although southern Africa has a remarkably diversity, at the family level, of succulent plants, I know of few – if any – of the succulent species that fix nitrogen or have particular adaptations to augment nitrogen. So there seems to be, in general, a pattern of mutual exclusion between succulence and N-augmentation and the virtually complete lack (except for Oberholzeria) of succulence in leguminous plants seems consistent with this pattern.
Secondly, leguminous plants, in general, seem to specialise in emphasis of the ‘stalks’ within the leaf, i.e. the rachis and petiole. The pinnate or bipinnate leaf, so typical of leguminous plants, represents a kind of multiplication of the leaf-stalk structures, whereas – at the opposite end of the spectrum – the phyllode represents a loss of everything except the petiole, which is expanded into a photosynthetic surface in its own right. But what links a bipinnately compound leaf with a mere phyllode is the extreme evolution of the fibrous framework/support structure of the leaf, something de-emphasised in the xerophytic succulent syndrome. What I’ve noticed is that, despite the manifold origins of succulent plants by convergent evolution, there seems to be no species of succulent, worldwide, that has a succulent petiole as the main form of foliage, or that has succulence in a truly pinnate leaf with more than three pinnae (Kalanchoe of the Crassulaceae may perhaps be a kind of exception?). Your Oberholzia pushes the limits in the sense that it manages to have succulent pinnae in the trifoliolate leaf, which makes it even more exceptional. That is to say, if you told me that you had discovered a succulent leguminous plant and asked me to guess the leaf-form, I would have guessed a simple leaf, not a compound leaf. Oberholzeria is, in this sense, a double surprise: not only a succulent leguminous plant but also one with a truly pinnate (albeit with a minimal number of pinnae) leaf.
I would predict that Oberholzeria lacks any mechanism for fixing nitrogen, and indeed I would go further by predicting that it lacks even the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae so common in both herbaceous and woody plants. There are not that many non-mycorrhizal plants on Earth but, as I understand it, succulent plants do include non-mycorrhizal species and it seems to me that succulence tends to be a growth-form with little to gain from microbial or fungal nutritional symbioses.
Anyway, these are just some hastily jotted-down thoughts in excitement at your discovery. Your discovery deserves to be widely appreciated. I’d love to hear your thoughts in terms of a biological interpretation of this plant.
With many thanks,
Dr Antoni V. Milewski
Percy FitzPatrick Institute

Publicado por milewski hace alrededor de 2 años
Publicado por milewski hace alrededor de 2 años

The difference in the incidence of succulence (of the xerophytic type) is among the most important ecological differences between Australia and southern Africa, and deserves to be recognised more widely than is currently the case.

It is not just that succulents are abundant and widespread in southern Africa. It is also that there is a remarkable variety of succulent growth forms and physiological strategies there.

As one example, Portulacaria afra (https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/326086-Portulacaria-afra) deviates from the usual pattern that succulents grow slowly, because it somehow manages to combine crassulacean acid metabolism with rapid growth.
Why does Australia have so few succulents, whereas southern Africa has so many?
I would exclude halophytes, because they just confuse the picture. Minus the halophytes, the ‘succulent’ flora of Australia can be seen for what it is: extremely limited, to the degree that only a few taxa qualify, and no vegetation type contains succulents as more than a minor contributor to cover. The few Australian succulents are mainly Sarcozona (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&taxon_id=624242&view=species) and Roepera aurantiaca (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?taxon_id=778973), a genus shared with southern Africa.

A complication here is that we would have to consider Carpobrotus (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=any&taxon_id=49323&view=species) carefully on a species-by-species basis, to decide whether they are halophytic or not.
The main explanation is climatic and pyric, with soil nutrient regimes playing a subordinate role.
Succulence generally goes with shallow roots (often also lacking mycorrhizae), and succulents tend to occur in climates that combine overall semi-aridity with relatively frequent precipitation (not necessarily rain). So the succulent karroo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Succulent_Karoo) in southern Africa tends to be associated with advection fog, which has no counterpart in semi-arid Australia.
A climatic explanation for Portulacaria afra, which is a succulent large shrub dominating patches of vegetation in the Eastern Cape (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Cape), has little to do with fog or mist, and here a more complicated explanation must be sought, involving soil nutrients and mega-herbivory. However, it is noteworthy that parts of the Eastern Cape have bimodal rainfall, a pattern poorly represented in the corresponding eastern half of Australia.
Fire regimes are crucial for explaining the intercontinental difference. This is because few succulents persist in any fire regime, although there are some short-lived perennial mesembs in South Africa that contribute to a seral stage in semi-arid fynbos, which does burn. Even the halophytic succulents in Australia tend to be restricted to landforms that are either fire-free or have fire so occasionally that no plant in these communities is adapted to fire.

I invoke this observation, in part, to explain another anomaly of Australian biogeography, namely the absence of land tortoises.

Land tortoises, like succulent plants, are particularly vulnerable to fire. This means that the only land tortoises on Earth that live in fire-prone habitats (e.g. pine savannas in Florida, plus some forms of fynbos in South Africa) tend to depend on refuges such as deep burrows or rocky outcrops. In Australia the only possible refuges would be burrows, which I rationalise would be physiologically punishing in saline soils.
A reason why vast areas of southern Africa lack fire regimes is that the vegetation there was so much more heavily browsed and grazed by large animals. So, according to this rationale, the abundance of elephant, rhinos, equids, and many forms of ruminants in southern Africa was part of the regime favouring foliage-succulence. The epitome of this is the vegetation dominated by Portulacaria afra. However, the pattern is, I suggest, widespread in southern Africa.
Potassium as such does not have much explanatory power for succulent foliage, although it does have major explanatory power for succulent fruits, worldwide. This is because potassium is a cheap and mobile element, and a major basis for the rationale in the case of succulent fruits is continual flow of large amounts of potassium through the plants. Of course it does take potassium to maintain succulence in foliage, but the green parts of succulent plants are long-lasting, minimising losses of potassium.

Publicado por milewski hace alrededor de 2 años

Full paper available online:
Oberholzeria (Fabaceae subfam. Faboideae), a New Monotypic Legume Genus from Namibia

Publicado por jeanphilippeb hace alrededor de 2 años

Fleshy cylindrical phyllodes: Acacia pinguifolia
Fleshy cylindrical leaflets: Senna artemisioides ssp. filifolia

Publicado por jeanphilippeb hace más de 1 año


I suspect that the aspalathus in https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/172228135 is one of the spp. with semi-fleshy leaves. Would you agree?

Publicado por milewski hace más de 1 año

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