What if I saw an endangered species?

Good morning AppState BioBlitzers and welcome to day 4! I anticipate today will see us crack two thresholds: We are just a little short of 2,000 observations total, and looking at those that have been identified already to species level we are at 499 species. The hunt is on to push us over the 500 species mark! This is amazing! You are all amazing! Thanks for the strong participation so far!

Currently leading the efforts are rivermont with the most observations, leighalobelia with the most species observed, and a huge thanks to tsn from New England for lending us identifier expertise especially for all the plants being observed!

I had another question come up yesterday: Should I post a threatened species to iNaturalist, and if I do so, how can I avoid giving away the exact location to protect it?

For endangered species, this type of protection is actually built into iNaturalist and the location for the observation is going to be "obscured" by randomizing where the marker is placed on the public map within a larger area around where the actual location is. You can tell these observations as you zoom in on the map by the way they show up as circles rather than pins, and in the location info it will tell you that the exact location was obscured. You can also choose to obscure the locations of your observations yourself, for example if you were worried about privacy when observing at home. This is referred to as geoprivacy and you can read more about how this it works on the iNaturalist help pages.

What can happen in these cases is that the obscured observation may not show up in the project because of the small size of some of our AppState boundary polygons. You can also find info about this on the help pages. Personally, I think if you find something really rare and special, keeping it protected by not disclosing its exact location on the internet is probably of higher priority than making it count for a project. Feel free to let us know if you found something really cool and we can maybe showcase these special finds in some way that doesn't give away exactly where they are!

Publicado el octubre 27, 2022 11:46 MAÑANA por annkatrinrose annkatrinrose


First achievement for today unlocked: Species #500 is a greenshield lichen growing on rocks, observed by caitlyn158. Congratulations! Next goal: 1,000 species? We're only halfway, I think we can do it!

Publicado por annkatrinrose hace casi 2 años

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