Diario del proyecto Christian Naturalists Observations

Archivos de diario de marzo 2024

29 de marzo de 2024

God Planted a Garden

Genesis 2:8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed."
Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 66917176 - Wisteria; Walton County, Georgia. March 29, 2018. ©williamwisephoto.com

"What a lovely description of the beauty of the Earth God prepared for mankind. He placed the first couple in the middle of a garden. Our loving Creator gave us everything we see around us to enjoy and provided us with exquisite senses of sight, hearing, feeling, tasting, and smelling to experience them to the full. Even after they disobeyed, creation did not lose all of its beauty and comfort."

- Excerpt from Exceeding Gratitude for the Creator's Plan by Dr. James P. Gills

Carolina Wren
Photographer: William Wise | iNat Observation: 66917173 - Carolina Wren; Walton County, Georgia. March 29, 2018. ©williamwisephoto.com

Publicado el marzo 29, 2024 11:02 MAÑANA por williamwisephoto williamwisephoto | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario