My (current) identification strategy
- Start with the lowest level taxon that I know offhand.
- Search iNaturalist observations for that taxon, filtered by state (or any relevant area defined by map).
- View by "Species" (not by "Observations") and have two windows open--one with the critter that needs the ID, the other with the grid view of species.
- Start scrolling (anything likely to be observed will show up here). Be cautious, there may be misidentifications, especially for those that are rarely observed.
- If I find a match (or close match), go to BugGuide and use the advanced search for the genus (by state) to see if any other species are similar.
- Still on BugGuide, examine the Info and Taxonomy pages for the genus and see if all known species have photographs (it usually states how many species are known from N.A.). If not, I can't be "absolutely" sure of an ID myself because one of the species without photos may look superficially identical the one I'm IDing.
- If it's a moth, go to Moth Photographers Guide for confirmation.
If I don't find a match or close match on iNat (viewing by Species), then the work really starts. And what I do depends on what taxa it is. But it usually involves looking at the plates on Moth Photographers guide or digging around in BugGuide. Basically, looking for a needle in the haystack.