Ohio Dragonfly Survey Update
Hello everyone!
The season is starting to slow down with fewer odes flying. Below are a few updates and things to note. Feel free to reach out with questions.
Specimens/Photograph due date: All physical specimens must be in to regional/state coordinators by December 15th. This way we have time to vet them and get them in the database. I still have plenty of supplies available for those with physical records.
If you would like your iNaturalist records to be included in the updated maps for next year, please try to have them up in advance of Dec 15 so we have time to vet them and then do the data extraction. We will still be adding them after that point, but we can't guarantee that they will be included in the range maps for the year. I will be sending out a guide to the photo records committee on how to vet records via iNaturalist in a few weeks.
Wildlife Areas permit: Permit ends in August with collecting in Wildlife Areas prohibited until April 2018. Anyone who used the wildlife area permit, please let me know what you found so I can compile the fall report. As of right now, no one has informed me that they have used the wildlife area permit.
Progress on iNat: We are over 10,000 records for 137 species from 354 contributors in iNaturalist! Great job everyone! I'm looking forward to more observations to roll in once people upload their backlogs. We want any and all Odonata observations from Ohio, regardless of the date. I have created an easy batch upload guide for those who haven't had time to submit observations.
As of right now, our top 5 users by observations submitted are jimlem, smpvolunteer-jcannon, srmyers, coachwhipbooks, and dmcshaffrey and top 5 by species richness is ricknirschl, jimlem, smwhite, hartvillestuff, and coachwhipbooks. Many of you have been very involved and I really appreciate all of the work you have put into the project. Every observation is one step closer to understanding our current population.
Upcoming Odonata events: Mark your calendars!
Sept 29-30th - Clark Co Parks Bioblitz
Feb 24, 2018 - Ohio Natural History Conference
Jun 22-24, 2018 - Odo-Con-18!
note: I plan to have a much more thorough event list with Odo-Blitzes every month next year. If you would like to host one or recommend a search location please get in contact with me.
Visit our website for more Odonata information: https://u.osu.edu/ohioodonatasurvey/
Planning an Odonata trip? Check out this page! https://u.osu.edu/ohioodonatasurvey/searching-for-dragonflies-and-damselflies/
That is all for now. Let me know if you have any questions or any recommendations for how I can help you in your Odonata adventure.
Best regards,
MaLisa Spring
State Coordinator for the Ohio Dragonfly Survey