Archivos de diario de enero 2023

02 de enero de 2023

January 2 Update - 2022 Numbers and Comparison to 2021

Species Data reported for 2022

The most observed Species (over 1,000).
Blue Dasher 2,490
Eastern Pondhawk 2,475
Eastern Forktail 2,293
Fragile Forktail 1,922
Common Whitetail 1,757
Widow Skimmer 1,606
Eastern Amberwing 1,591
Autumn Meadowhawk 1,351
Violet Dancer 1,123
Ebony Jewelwing 1,121
These are the same species as 2021, but added the last two as new with over 1000. Dasher and Pondhawk both had 700+ more than 2021. All on this list had more observations in 2022 than 2021.
Species in the Most Counties (over 75).
Blue Dasher 88
Eastern Pondhawk 88
Eastern Forktail 88
Fragile Forktail 88
Common Whitetail 88
Widow Skimmer 88
Eastern Amberwing 88
Blue-fronted Dancer 80
Familiar Bluet 78
Ebony Jewelwing 77
Violet Dancer 77
Prince Baskettail 76
7 species in 2021 had over 75 counties, these 7 all had 88 counties in 2022. The other 5 species had big years in 2022.
Species with Most Observers (over 200).
Common Whitetail 292
Ebony Jewelwing 291
Blue Dasher 279
Eastern Pondhawk 259
Widow Skimmer 231
Ebony Jewelwing and Common Whitetail switched spots for 2022 as Whitetail observer count dropped by over 30. Edit - late records put Common Whitetail back on top by one.

County data reported for 2022

Counties with Most Observations (over 1,000).
Lucas 3,012
Stark 2,755
Ashtabula 2,374
Franklin 2,341
Coshocton 1,409
Champaign 1,283
Montgomery 1,211
Summit 1,122
All the 2021 counties with more than 1,000 observations repeated in 2022, along with the addition of Champaign Co. All on the list had more observations than 2021. Stark Co nearly doubled, Lucas Co added over 1,000.
Counties with Most Species (over 70).
Montgomery 79
Lucas 76
Portage 76
Stark 76
Summit 73
This is the same number of counties as we saw in 2021. Geauga was top in 2021 with 78, Lake also dropped from 71. Portage and Summit Counties are new to this list for 2022.
Counties with Most Observers (over 70).
Franklin 117
Summit 110
Cuyahoga 98
Lucas 74
Franklin had 20 fewer than 2021, but still was the top. Summit was exactly the same, Hamilton dropped off this list.
Publicado el enero 2, 2023 07:24 TARDE por jimlem jimlem | 5 comentarios | Deja un comentario

04 de enero de 2023

January 4 Update - Progress on 2022 Targets

We looked earlier (Dec 31) on last years data and how 2022 has more observations than any year in the Ohio Odonata Society database. This is a nice thing to reflect on a bit. But, what's the impact? We know the top counties continue to do well. What about our target counties?

Early in the 2022 year, I put together a map of 2022 targets (see the Mar 22 blog), this followed similar reviews in 2020 and 2021. Target counties have some combination of low numbers in total observations, recent species recorded, etc. This is shown (above map) for the state by county, with darker shading indicating greater need relative to other counties in our data. 23 counties were prioritized, with special focus on Henry, Seneca, Belmont, Noble, and Meigs.

Now that the season is complete, this map has been amended to show this years trends. Counties that have the up-arrow had a 10+ percent increase in observations over the survey average (2017-2021). Counties with the down-arrow failed to get within 10 percent of the survey average. The middle ground being those counties where observations were fairly level with survey years, these counties have the long-dash.

We have 59 counties with increases in observations, 14 level, 15 with decreases. No surprises with that since 2022 was a record year for observations. The target counties (green) follow the same trends. 16 target counties had increases in 2021 observations, 2 target counties were basically level with previous survey years, 5 target counties had decreases relative to survey. It seems like we did pretty good, the weaker performance was in the NW (where I usually try to target!)

A couple additional data points are included. The block o indicates those counties where we have new high annual total of observations. The block s indicates those counties where we have a new high number of species recorded in a year. As expected, it was easier to get observations than increase the species count, but we did pretty good. Every county now has at least 600 observations, so this measure will require a new target. Every County now has at least 50 species recorded, but we still have 17 counties below the target of 60 species. We did get 3 counties moved up a level - Preble (61), Harrison (62), and Lawrence (60).

This looks like progress. There will be a new set of target counties - on to 2023.

Publicado el enero 4, 2023 09:35 TARDE por jimlem jimlem | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

05 de enero de 2023

Jan 5 - 2022 Species Info

2022 Flight Range Expansion

One of the things we keep track of is the range of days that a species is seen in Ohio. We call this the flight range, this helps know when we should expect to start (or stop) looking for a species. By keeping track, when can also have some insight to on-going changes. We had 22 changes to our species flight range in 2022. 13 new early flight dates, 9 new late flight dates. Interesting to me is the two instances (Dragonhunter and Rubyspot) where we had same day observations at different ends of the state.

Species New Early New Late iNat User County
Dragonhunter 2-Jun lgilbert Geauga
beaton422 Montgomery
Handsome Clubtail 22-Jul jimlem Miami
Elusive Clubtail 23-Oct lundbergj, dtibbetts Hamilton
Flag-tailed Spinyleg 12-Jun srmyers Hancock
Black-shouldered Spinyleg 21-Sep jimlem Hocking
Eastern Least Clubtail 20-May lundbergj Adams
Comet Darner 11-May smwhite Montgomery
Common Green Darner 6-Mar smwhite Montgomery
Royal River Cruiser 11-Jun lthies Hamilton
Gilded River Cruiser 11-Jun srmyers Hancock
Little Blue Dragonlet 29-May jackieriley Lucas
Blue Corporal 1-Jul spider_wanderer Delaware
Golden-winged Skimmer 25-Jul s0428bugs Franklin
Great Blue Skimmer 20-May lmillerua, lisaclairmiller Franklin
Band-winged Meadowhawk 29-Oct jcefus Stark
American Rubyspot 5-Nov quddy Portage
mikeabel Fayette
Smoky Rubyspot 24-Oct jheiser Coshocton
Turquoise Bluet 15-May smwhite Greene
Orange Bluet 4-Nov monicap273 Seneca
Tule Bluet 15-May smwhite Greene
River Bluet 4-Jun srmyers Hancock
Westfall's Slender Bluet 19-May roamingthewoods Ashtabula

2022 New County Records

Another bit that we track is the first report of a species in a county. We call that a County Record. This is a one time event. Finding a new County Record at this point is challenging and seems to get more difficult as the years go by. For 2022, we had 128 new County Records. This compares favorably to 2020 (115) and 2021 (112), but trails 2018 (330) and 2019 (321). The peak year was 1959 (405, primarily by R Alrutz).

Species County Date iNat User
Amber-winged Spreadwing Hancock 6/4/2022 srmyers
Arrowhead Spiketail Logan 6/4/2022 jimlem
Aurora Damsel Crawford 6/18/2022 chelsealynne
Azure Bluet Auglaize 6/18/2022 jimlem
Banded Pennant Licking 6/20/2022 susankamps
Banded Pennant Clark 7/10/2022 terrinorris
Band-winged Meadowhawk Lorain 7/11/2022 dear_deaddeer
Band-winged Meadowhawk Trumbull 7/16/2022 charleshappell
Black-shouldered Spinyleg Shelby 7/13/2022 jimlem
Blue Corporal Crawford 5/20/2022 chelsealynne
Blue Corporal Delaware 7/1/2022 spider_wanderer
Blue-faced Meadowhawk Auglaize 6/18/2022 jimlem
Blue-faced Meadowhawk Portage 9/1/2022 jsemroc
Blue-faced Meadowhawk Portage 9/1/2022 quddy
Blue-tipped Dancer Ottawa 8/6/2022 rjacob
Carolina Saddlebags Mercer 5/19/2022 jimlem
Carolina Saddlebags Wayne 6/4/2022 benniesaylor
Citrine Forktail Seneca 5/27/2022 monicap273
Citrine Forktail Wood 7/19/2022 jimlem
Citrine Forktail Marion 8/7/2022 darth_schrader
Comet Darner Coshocton 6/11/2022 jheiser
Comet Darner Fairfield 6/18/2022 raptor_1
Comet Darner Morrow 6/18/2022 jessicalowery
Comet Darner Mahoning 6/21/2022 lewarren
Comet Darner Scioto 6/26/2022 dougoveracker
Comet Darner Columbiana 6/30/2022 quddy
Common Baskettail Pickaway 5/21/2022 turtlerunner
Cyrano Darner Sandusky 6/10/2022 carolr
Cyrano Darner Henry 6/27/2022 jimlem
Cyrano Darner Ottawa 7/16/2022 jackieriley
Dot-tailed Whiteface Hardin 5/27/2022 t_krynak
Dot-tailed Whiteface Shelby 6/5/2022 jimlem
Dot-tailed Whiteface Monroe 6/24/2022 monicap273
Dragonhunter Stark 6/25/2022 jcefus
Eastern Red Damsel Hamilton 6/6/2022 jackstenger
Ebony Jewelwing Mercer 8/16/2022 jimlem
Elegant Spreadwing Scioto 6/18/2022 monicap273
Flag-tailed Spinyleg Scioto 9/9/2022 monicap273
Furtive Forktail Champaign 5/2/2022 jimlem
Golden-winged Skimmer Lake 7/14/2022 sallypsandpiper
Golden-winged Skimmer Franklin 7/25/2022 s0428bugs
Gray Petaltail Columbiana 6/9/2022 jsemroc
Gray Petaltail Meigs 6/19/2022 monicap273
Great Blue Skimmer Ottawa 6/2/2022 rjacob
Great Blue Skimmer Shelby 6/4/2022 jimlem
Great Blue Skimmer Richland 6/8/2022 carolr
Great Blue Skimmer Butler 6/17/2022 nireklov
Great Blue Skimmer Pickaway 6/19/2022 turtlerunner
Great Blue Skimmer Pike 6/21/2022 jimlem
Great Spreadwing Jefferson 8/23/2022 gcasp60
Handsome Clubtail Stark 6/22/2022 kent_miller
Jade Clubtail Montgomery 6/22/2022 rasamoto
Jade Clubtail Preble 6/30/2022 whateverwatcher
Lancet Clubtail Tuscarawas 6/12/2022 monicap273
Little Blue Dragonlet Lucas 5/29/2022 jackieriley
Lyre-tipped Spreadwing Hancock 8/2/2022 srmyers
Macromia Hybrid Montgomery 7/25/2022 rasamoto
Macromia Hybrid Logan 8/11/2022 jimlem
Midland Clubtail Columbiana 6/15/2022 quddy
Midland Clubtail Monroe 6/16/2022 dmcshaffrey
Mocha Emerald Montgomery 7/10/2022 rasamoto
Northern Spreadwing Williams 6/28/2022 jimlem
Ocellated Darner Portage 9/18/2022 dhochadel
Orange Bluet Meigs 7/23/2022 monicap273
Painted Skimmer Fayette 4/24/2022 turtlerunner
Painted Skimmer Shelby 5/9/2022 jimlem
Painted Skimmer Seneca 5/12/2022 ccarrollc1
Painted Skimmer Crawford 5/14/2022 chelsealynne
Painted Skimmer Huron 5/15/2022 carolr
Painted Skimmer Madison 5/30/2022 jimlem
Painted Skimmer Columbiana 7/1/2022 quddy
Rapids Clubtail Columbiana 6/22/2022 jsemroc
Red Saddlebags Clark 5/12/2022 terrinorris
Red Saddlebags Coshocton 9/8/2022 quddy
Royal River Cruiser Shelby 7/13/2022 jimlem
Royal River Cruiser Holmes 7/22/2022 jheiser
Royal River Cruiser Marion 8/28/2022 darth_schrader
Ruby Meadowhawk Clermont 7/7/2022 dmmeyers
Russet-tipped Clubtail Greene 9/7/2022 smwhite
Sedge Sprite Stark 5/26/2022 benniesaylor
Sedge Sprite Sandusky 7/30/2022 darth_schrader
Shadow Darner Lawrence 10/22/2022 monicap273
Skimming Bluet Sandusky 7/30/2022 darth_schrader
Slaty Skimmer Huron 7/13/2022 monicap273
Slaty Skimmer Wood 7/29/2022 rickbarricklow
Slaty Skimmer Marion 8/7/2022 ccarrollc1
Slaty Skimmer Ottawa 8/17/2022 dr__kenda
Slaty Skimmer Harrison 9/15/2022 quddy
Slender Baskettail Preble 5/30/2022 rasamoto
Southern Pygmy Clubtail Medina 5/25/2022 sallypsandpiper
Southern Spreadwing Sandusky 5/29/2022 kimsmith
Spangled Skimmer Clark 5/30/2022 terrinorris
Spangled Skimmer Madison 5/30/2022 jimlem
Spangled Skimmer Preble 5/30/2022 rasamoto
Spangled Skimmer Hancock 6/4/2022 srmyers
Spangled Skimmer Jefferson 6/5/2022 monicap273
Spotted Spreadwing Coshocton 9/14/2022 jheiser
Spotted Spreadwing Allen 9/15/2022 jimlem
Springtime Darner Jefferson 6/5/2022 monicap273
Stream Cruiser Geauga 5/21/2022 toddeiben
Swamp Darner Pike 4/24/2022 jimlem
Swamp Darner Huron 5/24/2022 monicap273
Swamp Darner Stark 6/1/2022 mbarath
Swamp Darner Seneca 6/26/2022 chelsealynne
Swamp Darner Columbiana 7/9/2022 acarnes77
Swamp Spreadwing Pickaway 7/4/2022 darth_schrader
Swamp Spreadwing Harrison 8/28/2022 monicap273
Swamp Spreadwing Pike 9/17/2022 monicap273
Sweetflag Spreadwing Fayette 5/24/2022 mikeabel
Sweetflag Spreadwing Madison 6/1/2022 lisaclairemiller
Swift Setwing Warren 7/2/2022 shane5767
Swift Setwing Morgan 7/30/2022 monicap273
Turquoise Bluet Marion 5/29/2022 monicap273
Turquoise Bluet Portage 6/1/2022 quddy
Twin-spotted Spiketail Medina 5/17/2022 dionysus240
Unicorn Clubtail Belmont 6/4/2022 monicap273
Vesper Bluet Darke 5/29/2022 coachwhipbooks
Vesper Bluet Carroll 6/7/2022 spidi
Vesper Bluet Perry 6/28/2022 mlski
Vesper Bluet Warren 9/7/2022 rasamoto
Wandering Glider Lawrence 7/22/2022 monicap273
Wandering Glider Morgan 8/3/2022 heidi47
Wandering Glider Belmont 9/22/2022 appalachiahowie
Westfall's Slender Bluet Harrison 6/11/2022 monicap273
Westfall's Slender Bluet Auglaize 6/18/2022 jimlem
Westfall's Slender Bluet Meigs 6/19/2022 monicap273
Westfall's Slender Bluet Ottawa 7/5/2022 jsully357
White-faced Meadowhawk Clermont 10/16/2022 dmmeyers
Publicado el enero 5, 2023 09:03 TARDE por jimlem jimlem | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de enero de 2023

January 7 - 2022 Observer Recognition

2022 Top Observers

Here is a subjective list of the top 25 contributors to the Ohio Dragonfly Survey project for 2022. We appreciate all the contributions and effort that goes into this project, but wanted to recognize individual efforts that are significant based on iNat submissions. Each name listed represents many hours of work/play. The sort is a combination of observations and species.

User # Observations # Species # Counties # Days
monicap273 4,144 68 36 70
jimlem 2,605 108 30 100
roamingthewoods 2,233 51 1 145
lisaclairemiller 2,115 64 18 76
rickbarricklow 1,812 64 12 107
jheiser 1,806 56 9 141
lmillerua 1,632 63 18 61
jcefus 1,389 76 5 75
mbarath 1,009 51 5 66
ricknirschl 866 96 16 95
carolr 818 43 7 74
whateverwatcher 805 47 12 81
sallypsandpiper 713 72 11 55
rasamoto 683 76 11 48
mikeabel 607 46 8 45
laureldoc 479 90 20 100
dhochadel 382 85 13 82
quddy 402 77 8 39
smwhite 268 72 7 80
kent_miller 402 68 8 48
darth_schrader 487 51 18 33
jessicalowery 252 53 17 30
critterfriends0725 426 40 1 77
ken_ohio 437 42 3 70
srmyers 314 59 2 66

For some context.

This group averages out to over 1,000 observations for the year; an average of nearly 65 species observed; and nearly 75 days in the field. This covers over 75% of the records for the year, and all but 1 of the species (Little Blue Dragonlet). Every day represented in the 2022 data includes submission from several of these observers.

The 4,144 monicap273 observations are the most ever for a single season, far ahead of #2 (jimlem 3,725 in 2019). Impressive effort for monicap273. Almost 60 research grade observations for every day monicap273 was in the field.

36 counties for (again) monicap273 represents lots of road time. This comes in at #10 all time. The most counties visited in a season was dmcshaffrey in 2019 with total of 72 counties.

Days in the field had roamingthewoods at the top with 145. Another impressive effort. Incredibly enough, 145 is behind previous top numbers, all by roamingthewoods - 150 days in 2021, 148 in 2020. (This may represent virtually every day there was sunshine in Ashtabula County.)

108 species observed is the 4th year over 100 for jimlem: 103 in 2019; 114 in 2020; 112 in 2021; 108 in 2022. Maybe I can make it 5 in 2023.

smwhite had the greatest observation span: Mar 6 to Nov 9. Best ever!

jcefus had the most species (71) in a county (Stark). This ties the high mark set by ricknirschl (Lucas) in 2019.

quddy had the most species (30) reported on a single day (6/28). This is just behind 7 jimlem days in 2019-2021 that had 31 or 32 species.

Publicado el enero 7, 2023 04:27 TARDE por jimlem jimlem | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

10 de enero de 2023

January 10 - Comparing 2022 to Recent

Survey Observations by Month 2017-2022

Here's a chart of total observations by month for years starting in 2017 (as new statewide survey). The 2019 months of Jul, Aug, and Sep are the highs. The 2021 months of Mar, Apr, and Nov are the highs. 2022 established new highs for May, Jun, and Oct. Note that these number are much higher than any years prior to 2017.

Other than Mar, all the 2022 months were above the 5 year averages. Jun and Jul are peak months.

Survey Trends

Here's a chart, once again, on the years starting with 2017. These are metrics related to observations vetted to species. 2022 looks pretty good. Once you hit 88 Counties for a year, it's done! Note that for scaling purposes, the Observation count is divided by 100 (peak over 35,000), User count is divided by 10 (peak over 1,000). #Days is the number of unique days observations were submitted.

Trend is up (over 5 year average) on Observations. 2022 was above the average on Users (1,036), but below the 2020 peak (1,164). Trends are basically even on species, counties, days. We are holding around 135-140 species/year - the first 90 are easy - getting over 140 takes work and luck. 2021 had warm Apr and good days in Nov through the 20th - providing 18 more days with observations than 2022.

Publicado el enero 10, 2023 07:06 TARDE por jimlem jimlem | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

12 de enero de 2023

January 12 - 2022 Ohio Odonata Numbers

2022 Metrics by County

Mar 3 to Nov 10, as of Jan 16, 2023

88 Counties # Observations # Sp # Users # Days New High
Adams 108 34 22 27
Allen 71 24 6 16
Ashland 249 36 13 30 o/s/d
Ashtabula 2374 67 19 148 o
Athens 111 34 21 34
Auglaize 67 23 2 6
Belmont 393 27 2 7 o/s/d
Brown 74 32 6 6
Butler 617 41 50 108
Carroll 106 27 6 14
Champaign 1296 68 41 73 s
Clark 856 59 25 74 o/s/d
Clermont 385 51 43 116 d
Clinton 112 30 12 23
Columbiana 159 46 11 20 o/s/d
Coshocton 1409 58 13 116 o/s/u
Crawford 117 34 6 32 d
Cuyahoga 762 52 99 136 u/d
Darke 217 46 7 25
Defiance 56 21 6 9
Delaware 272 38 44 64
Erie 268 30 24 68 o/d
Fairfield 138 31 22 26
Fayette 168 32 5 15
Franklin 2341 62 117 144 s
Fulton 214 30 6 23 o/u/d
Gallia 141 25 7 14 d
Geauga 550 69 40 91
Greene 745 64 62 108 u/d
Guernsey 126 23 3 5
Hamilton 724 56 68 120 o
Hancock 392 60 19 83 d
Hardin 85 32 3 18
Harrison 274 38 5 24 o/d
Henry 315 34 6 17 o/s/d
Highland 76 28 13 17 d
Hocking 121 36 24 30
Holmes 205 29 8 27 o/s
Huron 340 29 5 31 o/s/d
Jackson 120 31 8 18
Jefferson 231 34 7 26 o/s/u/d
Knox 156 22 17 22 u
Lake 605 68 46 83
Lawrence 231 38 4 10 o/s
Licking 198 34 25 43
Logan 401 47 16 46 o/d
Lorain 753 49 38 112
Lucas 3012 76 74 169 o/u/d
Madison 240 34 15 22
Mahoning 105 42 10 48
Marion 329 30 8 9 o
Medina 216 44 31 63
Meigs 381 31 1 4 o
Mercer 93 22 3 7
Miami 485 54 21 23 o/s/u
Monroe 187 28 2 5 o
Montgomery 1211 79 50 123 o/s/d
Morgan 144 32 7 13
Morrow 491 31 15 24 o/s/u/d
Muskingum 201 34 9 26 d
Noble 372 27 7 9 o/s/d
Ottawa 185 31 50 56 s/u/d
Paulding 59 21 2 4
Perry 94 21 1 24
Pickaway 124 34 16 24
Pike 267 40 9 14 o
Portage 484 76 53 83 s
Preble 230 36 12 20
Putnam 125 23 1 7
Richland 138 30 15 27
Ross 114 34 13 16
Sandusky 254 42 11 36 o/s
Scioto 117 33 9 15
Seneca 287 31 7 12 o
Shelby 139 34 15 13 u
Stark 2755 76 45 129 o/s/u/d
Summit 1122 73 111 134 s
Trumbull 140 39 10 28
Tuscarawas 192 29 6 15 o
Union 331 28 10 23 o
Van Wert 52 22 1 4
Vinton 133 30 8 16
Warren 232 45 32 60
Washington 100 27 3 7
Wayne 220 31 26 59 o/s
Williams 141 37 4 6
Wood 157 33 27 43 u
Wyandot 80 29 12 16

The "New High" column highlights those values where 2022 is now the top: o for # of observations, s for # of species, u for # of users, and d # of days

Note that Stark, Jefferson, and Morrow set new highs for all of these metrics.

Publicado el enero 12, 2023 08:41 TARDE por jimlem jimlem | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario

14 de enero de 2023

January 14 - 2022 Ohio Odonata Numbers

2022 Metrics by Species

Mar 3 to Nov 10, as of Jan 16, 2023

136 Species # Observations # Counties # Users # Days New Highs # Co Records
Amber-winged Spreadwing 62 15 20 25 1
American Rubyspot 593 38 76 114 o/u/d 0
Arrow Clubtail 20 7 9 14 0
Arrowhead Spiketail 19 10 14 12 u 1
Ashy Clubtail 102 19 28 34 o/u/d 0
Aurora Damsel 44 15 22 22 d 1
Autumn Meadowhawk 1351 72 160 134 o/c/d 0
Azure Bluet 312 54 74 83 1
Band-winged Meadowhawk 126 16 37 51 u 2
Banded Pennant 114 20 24 44 2
Beaverpond Baskettail 2 1 1 1 0
Black Saddlebags 544 73 100 121 o/u 0
Black-shouldered Spinyleg 59 22 22 28 1
Black-tipped Darner 7 3 5 4 0
Blue Corporal 27 11 19 18 2
Blue Dasher 2490 88 279 135 0
Blue-faced Meadowhawk 208 22 46 61 2
Blue-fronted Dancer 971 80 122 116 o/d 0
Blue-ringed Dancer 344 42 46 77 0
Blue-tipped Dancer 690 71 89 84 o 1
Brown Spiketail 15 4 5 7 c 0
Calico Pennant 386 52 71 86 0
Carolina Saddlebags 208 41 62 69 2
Cherry-faced Meadowhawk 2 1 1 1 0
Citrine Forktail 165 33 35 70 3
Clamp-tipped Emerald 9 8 8 8 c 0
Cobra Clubtail 59 4 22 20 0
Comet Darner 104 32 36 44 o 6
Common Baskettail 38 19 24 16 1
Common Green Darner 513 70 118 156 0
Common Sanddragon 17 4 4 5 o/c 0
Common Whitetail 1757 88 292 142 o 0
Cyrano Darner 43 21 21 27 o/c/u/d 3
Delta-spotted Spiketail 8 2 3 4 0
Dot-tailed Whiteface 213 32 38 44 o/c/d 3
Double-ringed Pennant 6 1 1 1 0
Double-striped Bluet 680 71 74 126 0
Dragonhunter 72 19 30 36 1
Dusky Clubtail 28 4 7 10 o/d 0
Dusky Dancer 265 46 42 70 o 0
Eastern Amberwing 1591 88 171 119 o/u 0
Eastern Forktail 2293 88 172 169 u 0
Eastern Least Clubtail 48 8 13 17 o/c 0
Eastern Pondhawk 2475 88 260 143 o 0
Eastern Red Damsel 193 20 45 47 o/c/u 1
Eastern Ringtail 21 4 7 10 c 0
Ebony Jewelwing 1121 77 291 107 o 1
Elegant Spreadwing 66 20 23 32 o/c/d 1
Elfin Skimmer 82 1 18 21 o 0
Elusive Clubtail 13 1 4 7 o/u/d 0
Emerald Spreadwing 79 17 29 28 o/u 0
Familiar Bluet 883 78 106 150 o/c/u/d 0
Fawn Darner 42 20 25 31 u 0
Flag-tailed Spinyleg 92 21 19 35 1
Fragile Forktail 1922 88 176 170 o/u 0
Furtive Forktail 1 1 1 1 1
Gilded River Cruiser 7 4 4 5 0
Golden-winged Skimmer 6 3 4 4 2
Gray Petaltail 60 14 29 29 o/d 2
Great Blue Skimmer 174 32 45 64 o/d 7
Great Spreadwing 116 25 48 55 c/u 1
Green-faced Clubtail 14 1 4 4 o/u/d 0
Green-striped Darner 9 6 8 9 0
Halloween Pennant 483 71 117 87 0
Handsome Clubtail 17 6 7 11 c/u/d 1
Harlequin Darner 24 3 8 7 o 0
Jade Clubtail 26 4 11 4 o/c/u 2
Lance-tipped Darner 4 4 4 4 0
Lancet Clubtail 240 38 37 51 o/d 1
Laura's Clubtail 2 2 2 2 c 0
Lilypad Clubtail 1 1 1 1 0
Lilypad Forktail 102 8 22 29 u 0
Little Blue Dragonlet 1 1 1 1 1
Lyre-tipped Spreadwing 8 2 5 7 u 1
Macromia Hybrid 8 5 6 5 u 2
Midland Clubtail 84 17 22 29 2
Mocha Emerald 9 7 5 8 1
Northern Bluet 3 2 3 2 c 0
Northern Spreadwing 1 1 1 1 1
Ocellated Darner 12 4 6 6 o/c/u/d 1
Orange Bluet 585 72 70 125 o/d 1
Painted Skimmer 291 42 77 60 o/c/u/d 7
Paiute Dancer 65 4 17 18 c 0
Plains Clubtail 35 1 6 16 0
Powdered Dancer 747 56 95 101 o/d 0
Prince Baskettail 385 76 64 87 u 0
Pronghorn Clubtail 19 5 10 12 0
Racket-tailed Emerald 10 3 6 2 0
Rainbow Bluet 22 6 10 11 0
Rapids Clubtail 15 7 10 9 1
Red Saddlebags 21 7 10 15 o/u/d 2
Riffle Snaketail 3 1 3 3 0
River Bluet 9 1 7 4 o/u/d 0
River Jewelwing 1 1 1 1 0
Royal River Cruiser 55 31 29 40 c/u/d 3
Ruby Meadowhawk 19 8 9 13 1
Russet-tipped Clubtail 54 3 11 22 o/u/d 1
Rusty Snaketail 24 4 9 11 o/c/d 0
Sedge Sprite 76 13 22 27 o/c/u/d 2
Seepage Dancer 197 5 34 39 o/c/u 0
Shadow Darner 146 33 63 67 o/u/d 1
Skimming Bluet 477 64 64 109 o 1
Slaty Skimmer 781 68 107 105 o/c 5
Slender Baskettail 2 2 2 2 1
Slender Spreadwing 581 67 87 109 o/c 0
Smoky Rubyspot 58 4 5 18 0
Southern Pygmy Clubtail 5 3 4 4 c 1
Southern Spreadwing 8 6 7 7 1
Spangled Skimmer 166 41 45 52 c 5
Spatterdock Darner 16 7 12 12 0
Sphagnum Sprite 74 8 21 24 o/u 0
Splendid Clubtail 11 2 7 7 d 0
Spot-winged Glider 55 19 23 27 0
Spotted Spreadwing 98 22 28 38 o/c 2
Springtime Darner 24 14 17 15 u 1
Stream Bluet 611 64 78 94 o/u 0
Stream Cruiser 18 5 7 7 o 1
Swamp Darner 70 30 49 39 4
Swamp Spreadwing 61 21 22 36 3
Sweetflag Spreadwing 54 22 27 36 o/u/d 2
Swift River Cruiser 52 21 20 34 0
Swift Setwing 52 7 10 21 o/c 2
Tiger Spiketail 6 5 5 5 u 0
Tule Bluet 48 10 11 25 c 0
Turquoise Bluet 105 17 20 27 2
Twelve-spotted Skimmer 511 63 123 97 0
Twin-spotted Spiketail 3 3 3 3 1
Uhler's Sundragon 6 1 1 1 o 0
Unicorn Clubtail 311 51 70 47 o/d 1
Vesper Bluet 109 23 22 45 o/c/d 4
Violet Dancer 1123 77 108 118 o/d 0
Wandering Glider 205 45 70 72 u 3
Westfall's Slender Bluet 332 49 60 57 o/u 4
White-faced Meadowhawk 24 7 12 18 c/u 1
Widow Skimmer 1606 88 232 126 0
Yellow-sided Skimmer 30 1 3 4 o 0

"New High" highlights those values where 2022 is now the top # of observations, # of counties, # of users, and # of days

Note that Cyrano Darner, Familiar Bluet, Ocellated Darner, Painted Skimmer, and Sedge Sprite set new highs for all of these metrics. Note also that Painted Skimmer had 7 new County Records.

Publicado el enero 14, 2023 03:34 TARDE por jimlem jimlem | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

16 de enero de 2023

January 16 - Ohio Odonata Numbers

5 Year Ave on Observations and Species

Chart showing relative connection of the number of observations and distinct species. This chart is based on 5 year (2018-2022) averages for all of Ohio at 10 day increments through the Ohio Odonata flight season. You don't get species without observations, both have high numbers late-May to early-July.

Note the two scales, Species on left, Observation on right. Scaling is not perfect, but close. Species max peaks a little earlier than Observations. Species numbers stay a little higher relative to Observations as the season starts to wind down in late September.

Publicado el enero 16, 2023 05:12 TARDE por jimlem jimlem | 13 comentarios | Deja un comentario

19 de enero de 2023

January 18 - Ohio Odonata Numbers

More on Observations and Species

The January 16 chart generated some questions. It might be useful to look a little wider range. But how to divide things into useful numbers? What are appropriate time frames? Where to start? After some fiddling I came up with some breaks in the data that fit on the same charts. While not equal, hopefully useful.

The time frames are 1) everything prior to 1960, this covers 80 years and would include the survey efforts in the late 1950's; 2) everything in the years 1960-1999, this covers 40 years and the first statewide survey of the 1990's; 3) everything from the years 2000-2009, basically the quiet 10 years while our iNat data is still limited; 4) everything in the year 2010-2019, this covers 10 years and the bulk of the official statewide survey; and 5) the last 3 years.

Two charts, first on total observations per month across our 5 time spans, then distinct species per month, again across the 5 time spans.

The observation data is a stacked area chart. Remember these are total values for period with a starting representation of 80 years, ending with the most recent 3 years. Compelling evidence that we're doing well on overall observations.

The species data is a simple bar chart. These are the distinct species recorded during months across each period.

In all cases we see activity beginning in March, ramping quickly in late May to peak in Jun, then taper off steadily after July.

It's interesting that our species totals track fairly consistently. Even the period with the fewest observations (the thin green slice) was not far off the other periods. The biggest discrepancy in species numbers is October, perhaps it's just we're out more late in the season in recent years.

Given that we're only seeing (in recent years) about 80% of the documented species, I thought there would be months where the first 2 year spans would have the most species. Not seeing that. Only July has a peak species value for a period before 2000. If there is loss of some species, diversity expression is supplemented by the arrival/discovery of new species.

A couple other random things that turned up as I was thinking about all this:

iNat observations begin to dominate annual numbers in the OOS db starting in 2005. These are all relatively recent additions - this project didn't start until 2017. iNat observations now account for over 80% of the OOS data.

Widow Skimmer was the first species recorded in all 88 counties - that happened in 1991. 22 other species now have records from all 88 counties.

Blue Dasher was the first species recorded in all 88 counties in a year, 2018. 6 other species now have that distinction (Common Whitetail, Eastern Amberwing, Eastern Forktail, Eastern Pondhawk, Fragile Forktail, Widow Skimmer).

Hardin Co was the last county to enter the data set. 3 species were collected on Aug 8, 1958. Several others were added on Aug 9. Hardin Co will be one of the target counties for 2023.

Publicado el enero 19, 2023 12:59 MAÑANA por jimlem jimlem | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario

21 de enero de 2023

January 20 - Ohio Odonata Numbers

Charting All the Data by Day

Here's a couple charts updated with the 2022 additions. Compare previous in the Feb 10 Journal.

First the total observations

This looks similar to last year, just with an adjusted scale (increase).

Jun 24 now busiest day with 2,401 observations, up by nearly 500 from last year's high of 1,921 on Jun 23.

The span of days with over 1,000 observations per day has expanded, now May 29 to Aug 15 (79 days). Last year's range was Jun 11 to Jul 20 (40 days).

Now the Species by Day

This chart is very similar to a year ago, you have to look pretty close to find differences.

The Species top day is Jun 23 with 113, followed closely by Jun 14 with 112, and Jun 15 with 111.

Jun dominates with 23 days over 100 species. We did add to the previous total, where a year ago Jun had 15 days with 100 or more species. Jul is the only other month with 100 species days at 3.

Publicado el enero 21, 2023 12:19 MAÑANA por jimlem jimlem | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario